Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Journal Entry #1

Writing a sonnet under all "sonnetical" rules (such as iambic pentameter and rhyme scheme) and circumstances was harder than expected. Rather than taking thirty minutes, I spent around forty-eight minutes pondering and writing a sonnet concerned with senior problems. The problems I wrote about was the waiting period between college application submissions and acceptance. It focuses on the anxiety and fear that an impatient senior undergoes whilst waiting the envelopes. Hearing others read their sonnets and reading mine aloud was entertaining.
-Alain Cruz


  1. Alain -- Let's think a bit more critically -- what was it about the exercise specifically that you found difficult and why? Did you have trouble with the rhythm or the rhyming or both?

    Also -- I can't join your blog unless you finish your design setup. You must have the "Follow" button on your main page.

    1. Mr. Wolfe,
      So I changed the design of my layout. I think that the follow option is on the top-right of the blog. Please let me know if it isn't the right one.
      To answer your follow-up questions, I did have a rougher time with rhythm. Considering that modern English language doesn't utilize any form of rhythm in writing, other than commas, periods, etc., writing words while assigning iambic stress and unstress to syllables was a new concept. Additionally, I didn't exactly know if the way I utilized iambic pentameter was precisely the correct form.
